Small Business Start-Up Series: Don’t Let Legal Questions Stop You!

Recently I had an interesting conversation with a friend-of-a-friend. Let's call her "Dahlia." Dahlia has an MBA and has had a successful career working for some of the largest defense contractors in the DC area. For a long time -- years! -- she has been thinking about using her training and expertise to start a [...]

By |2019-02-19T04:22:19+00:00February 18th, 2019|Business Law, Q&As, Start-Up|0 Comments

Questions & Answers on Non-Competition

Hi Again! In my last post, I discussed non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and how they’re used, reasons you might want one, factors that impact whether the NDA is enforceable in court, and other issues in a clever question and answer format. In this post, I’m going to do the same thing for non-competition agreements (A/K/A “non-competes”). [...]

By |2018-03-08T03:22:22+00:00February 20th, 2018|Business Law, Contracts, Employment Law, Non-Competition, Q&As|0 Comments

Questions & Answers on Non-Disclosure Agreements

This is Part 1 in a series for non-lawyers on Restrictive Covenants in employment and business law. My plan is to start with Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), and move on to Non-Competition, Non-Solicitation, and Non-Disparagement agreements and clauses. Restrictive Covenants are also used and sometimes abused in other areas, such as real estate and in business-to-business [...]

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